As per a recent study published in the journal PLOS One, people who take mini-breaks in between work feel more energized and less tired. According to John P. Trougakos, Organization Behaviour Break Expert, Toronto University, even if small breaks are taken by people who are into sitting jobs, it affects their work quality positively on a large scale.
These micro-breaks help in reducing tiredness and stress. Giving rest to your eyes every 20 to 30 minutes and stretching can reduce eye-stress and the body’s fatigue reduces. As per research conducted by the Productivity Tracker Company, a 17-minute break is essential after 52 minutes of work.
The breaks would also depend on the nature of your work. For instance, if the work is uninteresting and not liked by the doer, more fatigue will be experienced in comparison of a situation where you enjoy doing your work. Trougakos added that after around 90 minutes of work, one should take a 15 to 20-minute break. Apart from this, light-stretching breaks should be taken every 20 to 30 minutes, and after 90 minutes, the same work should be paused for around 15 to 20 minutes.
Therefore, if you want to continue feeling energized and fresh even while at work, mini-10-minute breaks are suggested by experts.