As per the National Health Accounts Report issued by the NITI Ayog, the Assam government is making the most expenditure on health care in the country. Out of the total expenditure on health care in the state, 55.2% is made by the government. Assam is followed by Himachal Pradesh, where the government bears 51.9% of the total health care expenditure.
In the report comprising data from 21 states during the period 2018-19, Maharashtra is the state with the most expenditure on health care, which is 66, 703 crores, with the government spending 17, 934 crores, which is 2.6% of the GDP. On the second spot is Rajasthan, with a total spending of 29, 905 crores, with the government of the state spending 13, 061 crores, making up 3.3% of the GDP.
On the other hand, Kerala has topped the list when it comes to the per-capita expenditure on healthcare, with the per-capita healthcare expenditure in the state being 9871 Rs, and the government paying 2479 Rs out of the same. Kerala is followed by Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.
The report further reveals that the least per-capita expenditure on healthcare is made in the state of Bihar, with 1517 Rs, out of which the government pays 674 Rs. After Bihar is Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Jharkhand.
If we look at the share of healthcare expenditure in the total GDP, Uttar Pradesh makes the most of it with 4.9% of the GDP, followed by Arunachal Pradesh (4.5%), Kerala (4.4%), and Jharkhand (3.6%). On the other side of the spectrum, Uttarakhand’s healthcare expenditure out of the total GDP is the least, which is 1.6%, followed by Telangana (1.8%), Gujarat (1.8%) and Haryana (1.9%).