Bank of Baroda, one of India’s leading public sector banks, on Wednesday, announced the launch of the 5th Edition of the Baroda Kisan Pakhwada. The annual farmer engagement programme commenced on November 15, 2022, and concludes on November 30, 2022, with the Baroda Kisan Diwas celebrations. During the 2-week agri-festival, the Bank will connect with 4.5 lakh farmers through a number of outreach events. The Bank’s network of 5,000 semi-urban and rural branches across the country that predominantly serve the agri-customer segment will actively participate in the ‘Baroda Kisan Pakhwada’.
‘Baroda Kisan Pakhwada’ has been designed to help the Bank boost engagement with the farming community and create awareness about various agri-products, schemes & delivery channels offered by Bank of Baroda and initiatives taken by the Government for the benefit of farmers.
Through outreach programmes such as farmer meetings, chaupals, kisan melas etc, the Bank will provide detailed information about various agricultural lending products like the Baroda Kisan Credit Card, tractor loan, gold loan, financing to Self Help Groups (SHGs)/ Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), credit for agriculture allied activities etc and offers available to farmers. The Bank has also introduced digital banking services specifically for the agri-segment to enable them to conveniently apply for agriculture loans.
The event will also promote various Government agri-initiatives such as lending schemes under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Package viz. Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF), Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF), Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PM-FME), etc.