Despite growing inflation and the increase in daily expenditure, the women of the USA do not want to get married. They are also increasingly thinking about getting divorced and remaining single. As a result of this phenomenon, the number of women living alone in the country has gone up drastically during the last decade. In the last 10 years, there has been a 20 percent increase in the number of single women in the USA. Back in 2019, the number of single women was almost 29 percent, which has gone up to 46 percent till 2021.
This way, almost half of the women aged above 18 in the country are single. As per a survey conducted by Wells Fargo Economics, ‘Party of One’, around 11 crore women are single at present. The survey has revealed that there is no problem with being single, but most of the women are dealing with economic problems. Despite this, they are avoiding marriage and families. 75 percent of the people in the USA believe that living being single is costlier than living in a family. According to the Federal Bank of St. Louis, there has also emerged a difference between the domestic income of singles and couples.
According to a different study published in 2022, the biggest reason to live alone or stay single is ‘independence’. People living alone are of the opinion that they will be able to devote more time to themselves, and will be able to achieve their goals without any distraction. The social circle of the people living alone is bigger as well.