Palakkad: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has registered cases against the Congress workers in connection with the complaint lodged by S Dhanesh, District General secretary of Yuva Morcha (Youth wing of BJP), for alleged pasting posters of Palakkad MP, V K Sreekantan on Vande Bharat train at Shoranur junction during the maiden journey from Thiruvananthapuram to Kasaragod which was flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday.
RPF registered cases under section 145 (c), 147 and 166 of Railways Act and started investigations to identify the accused persons in this regard, RPF sources said.
The train had halted for just two minutes at Shoranur junction on the last day , and the people from all walks of life including district political party leaders were gathered and were given a rousing reception to the Vande Bharat train and its pilots’ staff. The Congress led United Democratic Front (UDF) workers led by MP, V K Sreekantan, District Congress Committee (DCC) president A Thankappan reached the platform along with 50-odd Congress workers in the melee few congress workers including Senthil Kumar, Attapadi- Pudur panchayat member pasted the posters of MP with praising words for securing a stop on the vande bharat train at Shoranur on the wet glass pane, (during the rain), of the train in bogies.
Within seconds the RPF personnel rushed to the spot and removed the posters with the help of some other Congress workers. However, the visuals of the train with posters have been widely circulated on social media.