On Saturday, an MP-MLA court in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, convicted gangster Mukhtar Ansari and his brother, BSP MP Afzal Ansari for 10 years and 4 years of imprisonment respectively, in a 2007 Gangsters Act Case. A fine of 5 lakhs has also been imposed on Mukhtar, and that of 1 lakh on Afzal. While Afzal Ansari, BSP MP from Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, was produced in the court, already jailed Mukhtar Ansari attended the court proceedings via video call.
After the verdict, Afzal could now lose his Lok Sabha membership as per the Representation of the People Act, which states that any member of the parliament will automatically be disqualified if convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for a time period of two years or more.
Back on 22nd November, 2007, a case was filed against Mukhtar and Afzal Ansari under the Gangsters Act, and on 23rd September, 2022, prima facie charges were framed against the brothers. Presently, Mukhtar is imprisoned in the Banda Jail. Both the brothers have been declared guilty in the kidnapping and murder of BJP MLA Krishnanand Rai.