Srinagar: Border Security Force (BSF), India’s first line of defence, celebrated International Yoga Day on Wednesday at different units including the forward location of Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir valley.
The main function was organised in Frontier Headquarters, Humhama Campus Srinagar, with the yoga performance and a speech on the importance of yoga.
IG Kashmir Ftr Ashok Yadav, on the occasion, said that yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India over 5000 years ago.
He said today, yoga is recognised worldwide for its many benefits for a happy, healthy, united mankind.
Yadav said at difficult terrains of LC where sports and fitness facilities like grounds and gyms are not available, yoga proves to be critical for keeping troops physically fit and mentally sound.
IG reiterated that every citizen of India should adopt this time-tested ancient exercise for a healthier lifestyle, for truly “Yoga is a gift from India to Humanity.”
Yadav, along with senior officers and a gathering of more than 500 persons including BSF Jawans, participated in the Yoga activities.
The 9th International Day of Yoga, the culmination of various streaks of yoga sessions and activities held from May 27 to June 21 was observed at different BSF units, including forward locations and LOC.
During the Yoga Mahotsav, various activities were facilitated by BSF Kashmir Frontier with the active participation of BSF Troops, school children and civil population.
The events included yoga sessions, placing flexes & banners regarding yoga awareness, debates, quiz, yoga competitions, lectures and seminars about the benefits of yoga along with an Awareness Rally.
A workshop on the promotion of healthy food & eating practices for Children, Families was conducted along with a virtual webinar and exhibition on the theme of yoga in daily life.