In a notification dated Tuesday, June 20, issued by the Pakistan Higher Education Commission, has asked the universities across the state to ‘distance themselves’ from the on-campus celebration of Hindu festivals like Holi. “Unfortunately, it is sad to witness activities that portray a complete disconnect from our socio-cultural values, and an erosion of the country’s Islamic identity”, the notification reads, emphasizing the ‘activities’ of higher education institutions in Pakistan, and their responsibilities of preserving the country’s ‘own’ culture, traditions, and ideology.
Talking about the celebration of the Hindu festival of Holi on an institution’s campus in Pakistan, the notification further states, “One such instance that has caused concern was the fervor exhibited in marking Hindu festival of Holi. This widely reported/publicized event from the platform of a university has caused concern and has disadvantageously affected the country’s image”.
And while the notification reads that there is no denying the fact that cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity leads towards an inclusive and tolerant society, that profoundly respects all faiths, and creeds; “albeit it needs to be done so in a measured manner ‘without going overboard’”.
Highlighting the concerns of going ‘overboard’ in creating a tolerant society, the Pakistan Higher Education Commission has ‘advised’ the institutions to “prudently distance themselves from all such activities obviously incompatible with the country’s identity and societal values”.