On Thursday, July 6, Pt Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, better known as Bageshwar Dham Sarkar, the Peethadheeshwar of Bageshwar Dham, Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, commenced the narration of his three-day Hanumant Katha in the national capital, at the Utsav Ground, IP Extension, Patparganj (East Delhi). Day 1 of the Katha attracted innumerable devotees to the venue, and their number reached at least around 3 lakh people, with chances being that the number was much higher.
Amidst the event taking place, the Patparganj area of Delhi saw heavy deployment of police and RAF personnel, to maintain and manage the security, and heavy traffic in the area. The fervour among the devotees and the followers of Shastri was so high that currency was showered at Shastri during the Katha. And while there was no space to even stand properly inside the Katha Pandal, people were enthusiastic and full of devotion to get one look of Pt. Shastri. Even though the Katha Pandal felt suffocative as there was a huge crowd which had gathered, people were determined, and the waves of Bhakti could be felt in every corner.
The crowd cheers in enthusiasm with the anticipation of Shastri’s arrival
Glimpses of the crowd of devotees
From little children, teenagers, youth, to senior citizens, the venue saw the attendance of people from all walks and phases of life, with the venue also converted into a temporary centre of economic activity, as small vendors were selling religious paraphernalia, like Tulsi malas, Chandan, Kumkum, and posters and banners of Bageshwar Balaji Maharaj, and Bageshwar Dham Sarkar.
Amongst the crowd of lakhs of people, speaking with GoaChronicle, a youth said that in his estimate, the total attendance of the Katha could easily be more than 1 million people. On being asked as to how such a Katha is important for Hindutva, he said, “There is a lot of importance of such an event as Dhirendra Shastri connects a lot of people, and it is beneficial because the youth and children today do not know much about their traditions and religion, and this is a major reason as to why they face difficulties in life, and even a little spiritualism can lead to a better life”.
The Hanumant Katha will continue till July 8, after which Pt. Shastri will commence the Shri Bhagwat Katha in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, for which a lot of excitement could be seen among the people of Delhi NCR, while the first Katha has just started. A grand Kalash Yatra was carried out for the three-day Katha at Patparganj on Wednesday, July 5, in which lakhs and lakhs of women had participated.