After the Rajasthan police busted an illegal ‘beef mandi’ being operated on an illegally encroached government land in the forest area of Rajasthan’s Alwar’s Rundh Gidawara village, on Sunday, February 18, an FIR was registered in the case on Monday, February 19, under Sections 3,4,5,8, and 9 of the Rajasthan Bovine Animal (Prohibition of Slaughter and Regulation of Temporary Migration or Export) Act, 1995.
The FIR was filed against 22 named individuals, namely, Harun, Ibbar, Rati Khan, Sahun, Mosam, Alim, Kamil, Aslam, Khalid, Fakru, Saddam, Mormal, Kayyum, Khalli, Rahish, Salim, Mannan, Aslam (s/o Boda), Khalid (s/o Chava), Kasam, and Habbi. These individuals are all residents of Barsangpur and Mirjapur in Kishangarh Bas.
The accused had encroached 500 bighas of government land, and with the help of local officials and policemen, had managed to gain access to water and power supply, with the help of which, they were operating a ‘beef mandi’ on the spot, and had also constructed kutcha and pucca houses on the illegally encroached land. As per reports, 600 cows were being slaughtered there every month, and beef was also being home-delivered around 50 villages nearby. Beef was also being supplied to around 300 shops.
So far, 4 policemen have been suspended in the case, and the administration took bulldozer action against the beef mandi, razing to the ground, the illegally constructed houses, and destroying the crops which were planted. 12 cows which were found by the police on the spot were sent to a cowshed for safety.