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Monday, October 7, 2024

Qatar’s Cash Pipeline to Hamas: The Hidden Threat Fueling Terror and Undermining Peace


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Over the years, Qatar has emerged as a key backer of Hamas, providing financial, political, and moral support to the terrorist organization. This support has allowed Hamas to retain its grip on the Gaza Strip and continue to wage war against Israel, while simultaneously compromising the peace and security of the Middle East. The role Qatar plays in propping up Hamas is not new, but it has become increasingly concerning in the wake of recent violent escalations, such as the October 7, 2023, attacks on Israeli civilians.

The Israeli government’s decision to allow Qatari funds to flow into Gaza was seen as a necessary evil by many, a way to maintain short-term calm and avoid an immediate escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas. However, not all Israeli officials shared this viewpoint. In November 2018, Avigdor Liberman, who was serving as Israel’s defense minister, resigned in protest of this very policy. He warned that by enabling the financing of Hamas, Israel was effectively buying peace in the short term at the cost of its long-term security. Liberman’s sharp criticism of the policy, which he referred to as “surrendering to terror,” has since been proven all too accurate.

Liberman’s primary objection was that allowing Hamas to receive money from Qatar was not a sustainable strategy for peace. Instead of weakening Hamas, the influx of funds was being used to strengthen the group’s control over Gaza and fund its military operations. These funds, ostensibly intended for humanitarian aid and the welfare of the Palestinian people, were instead diverted into Hamas’s military infrastructure, allowing the group to bolster its arsenal of rockets, develop its tunnel networks, and prepare for future attacks against Israel.

By the time of his resignation, Liberman had grown increasingly frustrated with what he saw as a misguided attempt to appease Hamas. He believed that Israel’s national security was being sacrificed for temporary quiet, a prediction that would come to haunt Israel during the deadly Hamas attacks of 2023.

Qatar’s relationship with Hamas is complex but undeniable. For years, Qatar has acted as one of Hamas’s chief financial backers, funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into Gaza. This support has allowed Hamas to maintain control over the Gaza Strip despite facing blockades and military pressure from Israel. While Qatar insists that its financial support is intended for humanitarian purposes, many experts and Israeli officials argue that the funds are being used to strengthen Hamas’s military capabilities and entrench its rule over Gaza.

Qatar’s motivation for supporting Hamas is not purely altruistic. The regime in Doha has long sought to position itself as a key player in regional politics, using its wealth to exert influence across the Middle East. Supporting Hamas allows Qatar to maintain its relevance in the Palestinian cause and curry favor with other actors in the region, particularly Iran, which is also a staunch supporter of Hamas. For Qatar, backing Hamas is a way of positioning itself as a champion of the Palestinian people, even if this comes at the cost of enabling terrorism.

By providing Hamas with financial and political support, Qatar has effectively acted as a lifeline for the organization. Without Qatari funds, Hamas would struggle to maintain its control over Gaza, and its ability to wage war against Israel would be significantly diminished. Qatar’s support has allowed Hamas to not only survive but thrive, at the expense of both Israeli and Palestinian lives.

The deadly attacks carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023, were a tragic reminder of the consequences of allowing terrorist organizations like Hamas to thrive. Over 1,200 Israeli civilians were brutally murdered in a coordinated assault that shocked the world. These attacks were not the result of a spontaneous outburst of violence but the culmination of years of preparation, made possible in part by the financial support Hamas has received from Qatar.

The October 7 attacks were a stark reminder that Hamas is not interested in peace or coexistence. The organization’s primary goal is the destruction of Israel, and it will stop at nothing to achieve this objective. The funds it has received from Qatar have allowed Hamas to build up its military capabilities, stockpiling rockets and other weapons that have been used to launch indiscriminate attacks on Israeli civilians.

Avigdor Liberman’s warnings about the long-term security risks of allowing Hamas to be financed by Qatar were tragically realized in these attacks. By enabling Hamas’s financial survival, Israel’s policy of allowing Qatari funds to flow into Gaza has contributed to the very violence it sought to prevent. The short-term quiet that was purchased through this policy has come at the expense of long-term peace and security.

In the aftermath of the October 7 attacks, it has become clear that any hope of achieving lasting peace in the region must involve cutting off Hamas’s financial lifelines. Qatar’s influence in Gaza must be addressed if there is to be any chance of preventing future atrocities like those witnessed in 2023. As long as Qatar continues to provide financial and political support to Hamas, the organization will remain emboldened and capable of carrying out further attacks against Israel.

One of the most effective ways to diminish Hamas’s power is to ensure that any funds sent to Gaza are strictly monitored and are used for genuine humanitarian purposes. The international community, particularly countries committed to fighting terrorism, must take a hard stance against regimes like Qatar that enable terrorist organizations through financial support. This includes pressuring Qatar to cease its backing of Hamas and ensuring that any future aid is directed towards improving the lives of ordinary Palestinians, rather than funding Hamas’s war machine.

The challenge lies not only in cutting off financial support but also in addressing the political and ideological support that Hamas receives. Qatar’s backing of Hamas goes beyond mere financial assistance; it also provides Hamas with a degree of legitimacy on the world stage. By positioning itself as a mediator in conflicts between Israel and Hamas, Qatar has played both sides of the conflict, claiming to promote peace while simultaneously supporting one of the region’s most violent actors.

Ultimately, the future of Gaza and the Palestinian people depends on ending Hamas’s control over the Strip. Hamas’s rule has brought nothing but misery and suffering to the people of Gaza, while simultaneously jeopardizing the security of Israel and the broader region. Ending Qatar’s support for Hamas is a critical first step towards dismantling the organization’s hold on Gaza and creating the conditions for a genuine peace process.

The lesson from the October 7 attacks is clear: as long as terrorist organizations like Hamas continue to receive financial and political support from countries like Qatar, there will be no peace in the region. It is time for the international community to act decisively, cutting off Hamas’s financial lifelines and ensuring that the people of Gaza are no longer held hostage by a regime that thrives on violence and terror.

In the end, peace in the Middle East will require more than just short-term solutions and temporary ceasefires. It will require addressing the root causes of the conflict, including the financial and political support that allows terrorist organizations like Hamas to survive. Only by cutting off this support can we hope to prevent future violence and create a lasting peace in the region.

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