Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday directed the officials to ensure robust health arrangements across the state to safeguard public health during the ongoing cold wave.
In a high-level meeting, the CM emphasized the need for special precautions to protect vulnerable groups, including the elderly, children, and pre-existing conditions, as cold-related ailments such as cough, fever, and respiratory issues are expected to rise.
While reviewing the healthcare arrangements for Maha Kumbh pilgrims, he stressed the need for proper medical facilities in all sectors, including readily available ambulance services.
Yogi directed the Health Department teams to visit Prayagraj regularly, monitor pilgrims’ condition, and provide necessary medical assistance promptly.
He said, “Everyone should receive appropriate care when dealing with seasonal ailments or severe conditions.”
The CM directed that all government hospitals deliver efficient medical services, including timely testing and an adequate supply of medicines, ensuring no inconvenience to the public.