Chandigarh: The State Special Operation Cell (SSOC) Amritsar conducted an intelligence-based operation, apprehending two operatives, Bagga Singh of Sirsa and Puskaran Singh, alias Sagar, of USA-based terrorist Happy Passia and Sarwan Bhola smuggler, according to Punjab DGP Gaurav Yadav, Punjab DGP Gaurav Yadav said here on X on Tuesday.
He said that they were involved in grenade lobbying on the Gumtala police post in Amritsar on January 9, 2025.
DGP Yadav said that the preliminary investigation reveals arrested accused Bagga Singh is a relative of Sarwan Bhola, arrested from Sirsa, Haryana. Sarwan Bhola is the brother of smuggler Ranjit Singh, alias Cheeta, who is currently lodged in Bathinda jail in the 532 kg heroin case.
He also said that the police recovery One hand grenade and two sophisticated pistols from them.
Further investigations are ongoing.