The former Mumbai Commissioner of Police Parambir Singh has fallen into yet another trap. With an FIR been registered on him along with DCP Parag Manere and 31 other police officials under the charges of corruption.
The matter came into light when an inspector Bhimrao Ghadge serving in Mumbai police filed an FIR against 33 police personnel with the big names of former Mumbai CP Parambir Singh, DCP Parag Manere, and 31 others three days back. The FIR was filed with 27 sections applied on the 33 accused.
A letter was written by Ghadge to the Maharashtra Chief Minister, Home Minister, and the DGP, with the series of serious accusations of corruption against Parambir Singh and fellow accused, when Ghadge was posted with the Thane police. The development in the complaint filed by the inspector made the Anti-Corruption Bureau investigate the matter as said by the DGP.
The FIR was filed in the city Kotwali police station in Akola, against the 33 accused who are squashed with 27 sections ranging from criminal conspiracy, destruction of evidence along with the sections of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities Act), 1989.
A zero FIR means a complaint/FIR can be lodged in any police station irrespective of the offense committed in that or any other area that had also been filed at the Kotwali police station which was then transferred to the Thane city police as per an official.
The series of allegations made by inspector Ghadge recorded that during his 3 years tenure from 2015 to 2018 at the Thane Commissionerate he witnessed several officers under and along with Parambir Singh were indulged in the malpractices of corruption. He also said that the former CP asked him to not charge-sheet certain individuals against whom FIRs had been registered. On refusal of the proposal/order, he was thwarted by 5 false FIRs against him and was suspended then after. Ghadge says that the harassment was done to him just because he belongs to a backward class.
The inspector is currently posted with the police control room in Akola, where the FIR has been registered. The police officials or ACB has made no arrests in the matter so far.
Notably, a few days back the same former Mumbai CP Parambir Singh put severe allegations on former Home Minister Anil Deshmukh for taking a bribe of 100 crores per month with some other officials like Sachin Waze involved in it. However, the former HM and controversial cop Sachin Waze was interrogated by NIA and ED for several hours under the Antilia bomb scare case, Mansukh Hiren’s mysterious murder case and the corruption charges being put on them.
[author title=”Shreya Gohel” image=”http://localhost/gc2/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/20210127_014031.jpg”]Intern, Goa Chronicle[/author]
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