On Wednesday, 31st May, karyakartas from the Aam Aadmi Party showed black flags to Prime Minister Narendra Modi while he was addressing a rally in Rajasthan’s Ajmer. Further, the Aam Aadmi Party, Ajmer, has released a press statement, which says, “Today, under the situation of dictatorship in the country, PM Modi is constantly attempting to murder democracy”.
The press release also reads, “Attempts are being at clamping down every protest and opposition, and in order to intimidate the opposers, the Modi government is going to any extent”. It further states that this is the reason, opposing which, the AAP officials and karyakartas showed black flags to PM Modi during his public rally.
The AAP members who were present during the black flag-show were AAP State Vice-President, Kirti Pathak; SC Wing State President, Pankaj Jatiya; Lok Sabha President, Trivendra Pathak; Ajmer City District President, Ravi Balotiya; Commerce Wing City District Vice-President, Navratan Soni; City District Office In-charge, Rishi Dutt Sharma; Women Wing City District Vice-President, Himnandini; Block Presidents, Naru Bhai and Allaudin Khan; Ward Presidents Kayamuddin Khan, Afzal Akhtar, Sunil Valmiki, and Ravi Gujarati, among others.