Hubballi: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai on Friday said it is a lie that the names of minority voters are being deleted because this activity comes under the purview of election commission, thus hinting it is not the work of the state government.
“It is all lies. As of now the election commission has paid attention to it. The deletion and addition of names of the voters is done under the leadership of the election commission through its nominated officials,” he told reporters at Hubballi airport here.
As a state government, Bommai said he would only request the election commission to immediately act upon the complaints pertaining to deletion of the names of voters from the electoral roll.
He said: “There are two aspects in this issue. One is about the attempts being made to include the names of the voters illegally. Such voters exercise their franchise, for example, in Hubballi and Bengaluru. Deletion of names of such voters is being done by the election commission.”
“Another aspect is about the inclusion of valid names of the voters in the electoral roll. Such voters should have the right to exercise their franchise. The election commission is also doing this work,” he added.
On a query pertaining to the brutal attack on a student for waving Karnataka flag in Belagavi, Bommai said he has directed the Commissioner of Police to conduct an enquiry into the incident.
“Once the report comes, we will take appropriate action against those who have committed the crime,” he said.
On the allegations that the police also beat up the victim, Bommai said the police have already issued a clarification, however if they are found guilty action will be taken against them too.
“The police have given a clarification that they have not beaten up the victim there (on the college campus). However, after arriving at the truth, action will be taken against the guilty police personnel,” he said.