New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested two bank officials, branch manager and field officer of Punjab National Bank posted at Bagpat in Uttar Pradesh for an alleged bribery case, the central probe agency said on Tuesday.
A case was registered on July 31 on the basis of a complaint against Branch Manager and Field Officer, CBI said.
It was alleged that the complainant was having a KCC account, jointly in his name and in the name of his grandfather in Punjab National Bank, Bagpat.
It was further stated that an amount of Rs 4.95 lakh was sanctioned in the said KCC account and the same was disbursed in the saving bank account. It was alleged that an amount of Rs 50 thousand in the said saving bank was put on hold by the branch manager. When the complainant inquired about the same from branch manager and field officer, both demanded an alleged bribe of Rs 35 thousand initially to release the said amount. Later, the bribe was reduced to Rs 25 thousand, the probe agency said.
CBI laid a trap and caught the accused while they were allegedly accepting the bribe of Rs 25 thousand from the complainant, CBI said.