Following his criticism of China’s Xi Jinping government, Jack Ma, the founder of prestigious e-commerce platform, Ali Baba, who had disappeared, is in Japan’s Tokyo, and this claim has been made by American newspaper Financial Times. As per the report, Ma maintains a very low profile in Tokyo. The people who know about Ma’s residence, have said that he has brought his personal chef and security from China.
It was being doubted that the Chinese government could get Ma killed. People associated with Japan’s modern art scene have said that Jack Ma, in order to spend his time, does water colour painting. Ma has also been spotted in countries like Spain and the Netherlands. Jack Ma had been targeted in a meeting back on 24th October, 2022. The meeting also had the biggest officers of Chinese economy and government. Jack Ma had criticised Chinese banks in the meeting. He had said, “Chinese banks demand a mortgage for fundings, and this way, new techniques are not funded and new experiments stop”.