New Delhi: The Congress on Tuesday took a dig at the Centre over soaring prices of essential commodities saying the government should take immediate steps to provide relief to the common people.
Addressing a press conference at the party headquarters, Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate while referring to rising prices of essential commodities said, “Tomatoes are being sold at Rs 150 per kg, ginger Rs 400 per kg …. The reality is prices of spices also has gone up. Prices of rice and wheat have gone up.The government is completely ‘apathetic’, it doesn’t care what common man is facing.”
She added, “Is the government taking any steps to reverse the situation ? Is the government doing anything possible to bring you some relief. No.”
“What about the common man , middle class? What about the poor reeling under poverty?,” Shrinate questioned.
She further said, “If the fuel prices decreases, the cost of transport will decrease, vegetables and other essential commodities will be cheaper.”
“We ask the government to take immediate steps so that some relief can be brought to the people,” Shrinate said.