Belagavi: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Thursday said the interim report given by the State Backward Classes Commission will be studied legally and discussed with leaders of all political parties, and then a suitable decision will be taken on increasing reservation for Panchamsali community.
“This morning the Commission Chairman Jayaprakash Hegde met me and submitted the interim report. This report will be examined, discussed with the Law and Parliamentary Affairs Minister, and take legal steps accordingly,” he told reporters at Suvarna Soudha here.
“Details were given one year after the submission of Justice Nagamohan Das Committee. The Justice Sadashiva Commission report was submitted ten years ago, but no details were given since the government has not accepted it. The Kantharaj report is still with the Commission, not at the government level and details are not furnished. But suitable legal action will be taken on the interim report submitted by the Backward Classes Commission,” he added.
In the morning, members of the Panchamasali community held a mega convention near Suvarna Soudha demanding reservation under 2A category.
The convention was led by Kudalasangama Mutt seer Basava Jaya Mruthyunjaya who led the padyatra which began from Savadatti and reached Belagavi on Thursday.
The Panchamsalis, a sub-sect of the Veerashaiva-Lingayats, have been demanding to classify them under 2A of Other Backward Classes category which guarantees 15 per cent reservation. At present the community is classified under the 3B category, where they get 5 per cent reservation.
Bommai said a meeting will be held Thursday in which the Health Minister, senior officials from the Health department and members of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to discuss and initiate preventive steps in the wake of sudden increase in Covid-19 cases at international level and emergence of new variants. “The new variant has been detected and it spreads fast,” he said.
Bommai said it is possible to keep the pandemic under check if everyone follows the suggestions given by experts. “Today’s meeting will also include a possible workout programme to improve the booster dose coverage among people,” he said.
Reacting to KPCC President DK Shivakumar’s statement that the central BJP leadership have spoken to him regarding advancing the Assembly polls in view of pandemic, Bommai ruled out any such talks.