Srinagar: Police on Wednesday attached the residential land of an alleged terror associate of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in Jammu and Kashmir’s Bandipora district.
Police said 14 marla of residential land belonging to the family of Irfan Ahmad Bhat, a militant associate, was attached at Ashtengoo Bandipora under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), which has been identified as the proceeds of terrorism.
“Bandipora Police has attached 14 marlas of residential land at Ashtengoo Bandipora in case FIR No.43/2022. The land had been identified as the proceeds of terrorism and was attached under the UAPA. The land belongs to the family of a terror associate of LeT, Irfan Ahmad Bhat. His brother had also exfiltrated to Pakistan in 2000,” Bandipora Police said in a post on X.