On Wednesday, July 5, the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chauhan, commenced the enrollment for the second batch of the ‘Chief Minister Youth Internship Programme’. This scheme is aimed at providing the youth of the state employment opportunities, along with opportunities to contribute towards government work.
The selected youth will be appointed as ‘CM Janseva Mitra’, and the applications of a total of 4695 youths will be accepted. The selected individuals will receive not only experience, but also a monthly stipend of 8000 Rs. The process of submitting applications began on Sunday, July 2, and the last date to submit the applications is Monday, July 10.
Part of the Madhya Pradesh government’s ‘Learn and Earn’ initiative for the state’s youth, this scheme will provide the selected individuals with experience of working on ground zero for development schemes in the state.
Those who have been graduated or post-graduated in the past two years, and are aged between 18 and 29 years of age, can apply for the same.
It is also noteworthy at this point that the Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections are to be held in the month of December, 2023.