Srinagar: The National Investigation Agency(NIA) on Wednesday searched the office of a Non Governmental Organisation linked to jailed human right activist Khurram Parvez in Jammu and Kashmir’s Budgam district, officials said
The search was carried out at the NGO office at Dandoosa area in Budgam in connection with an ongoing probe in an NGO terror funding case, they said.
The office that was searched has been shut since long time, sources said.
Khurram, the Kashmir-based rights activist, was arrested first by NIA in November 2021 in a case related to funding and recruitment of overground workers (OGWs) by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in Jammu and Kashmir.
Last month, jailed Khuram was arrested in a separate case related to NGOs and trusts allegedly diverting funds meant for charitable activities to “secessionist and separatist activities” in Jammu and Kashmir.