Rajasthan’s Ashok Gehlot-led Congress government is making the biggest preparations to deliver better healthcare facilities to the rural level. For the first time, in the total of 11, 307 gram panchayats across the state’s 33 districts, will be scrutinized, out of which, all the gram panchayats which do not have a health centre will be marked out. As per the officers, around 1300 gram panchayats have been marked out till now, which do not have a single health centre. Some gram panchayats were made newly in the last four years, which require the set up of a health infrastructure.
The government is planning to ensure that by the end of the year 2023, no gram panchayat should remain without a hospital, and a total of around 1100 crore rupees will be spent on the same. The Chief Minister has also increased the health scheme budget allocation to an annual 3500 crore rupees, and the infra growth, which has been at 20% for the last 3 years, can be augmented to 40%.
In the total of the state’s 11, 307 gram panchayats, 1, 07, 707 are ward panch, and some gram panchayats are such that they have more than 10, 000 of population; where 6 healthcare centres at one place will be required, but big villages too have one single hospital, such places will see the hike in sub-health centres, and PHC and CHC facilities.