Agastyakoodam is Kerala’s second-highest peak, and trekking on it is commencing from 16th January, 2023, which will go on till 4th March. During the COVID-19 pandemic, less trekkers had visited this place, but now, the enthusiasm can be seen again. It is believed that Hindu celibate sage Agastya used to live here, and there are more than 2 thousand different types of medicinal plants. The registrations for trekking this mountain had begun on 5th January, and till now, around 9000 women and 17000 males have registered themselves.
It is being believed that this year, a record 10 thousand women will trek this mountain. It is noteworthy that till 3 years ago, there was a restriction on women trekking here. It was believed by the locally residing tribal community that the entry of women would make sage Agastya uncomfortable, and his celibacy will be irreparably damaged.
But in 2019, after the intervention of the Kerala High Court, the tribal community agreed, and from then onwards, women trekking this mountain was allowed.
A fee of 1800 Rs has to be given for trekking here, which includes a 300-rupee eco-management fee. The minimum age to trek is 4 years, along with which it is mandatory to produce one’s fitness certificate and a COVID-19 negative report.