There are many people who take matters of mutual discord to heart, and they wanted to answer back at that very moment, but could not. This is followed by hours of thinking about the things they wanted to say, but could not, and about where they went wrong. This tendency of not being able to stop thinking about such things, despite trying hard, is called ‘ruminating’ or the web of worries. And when this web of worries starts affecting your daily life and responsibilities, it needs to be understood that you have fallen prey to the same.
As per a recent study, USA’s doctor Tracey Marks believes that this tendency is not a poor mental condition, but is even bigger than that. Even worry has its own potential, and if the brain’s brakes get out of control, it becomes a red alert. The pattern of ruminating differentiates it from normal thoughts, and keeping a few points in mind, this can be dealt with. There is another symptom of contemplation- you keep thinking about the problems which cannot be solved.
For instance, an incident from the past, which cannot be changed even if you want it to be different. And you keep getting enticed into this web. As per experts, you can come out of the web of worries by accepting a few things as they are. In order to break out of the web, the first step is to divert your attention somewhere else, for example, listen to music, and focus on the songs’ lyrics and melody, this will help to break the flow of thoughts for some time.
Contemplation is not bad until it becomes stressful, and of the situation aggravates, this can also lead to other mental ailments. Therefore, if you cannot control overthinking, you should opt for therapy. It is crucial to forget the past and live in the very moment.