2400-year-old coins have been found in Rewagarh, situated 25 KMs away from Raipur. Archaeological experts have claimed that these coins were used first during the Magha rule. The excavation has led to the discovery of copper and silver coins belonging in the Kushana and Magha eras. Along with this, a large number of gold coins from the eras of the Sharabhpuriyas and Kalachuri rulers. 2400 years ago, Rewagarh was a water fort, spanning over an area of 80 acres, which had 4 entries. This water fort is similar to the type which has been discussed in Kautilya’s Arthashastra.
The evidence of the 4 entries have been found as well. Excavation Assistant Dr. Arundhati Parihar has said that pieces of Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW) have been found as well, and around 2000 years ago, food was eaten in these utensils in the homes of kings and moneylenders.
4 types of coins and seals have been discovered through this excavation. The type of coins used for the first time in India, punch-marked coins have been found, a total of 5 pieces of these have been excavated out from Rewagarh. 300 pieces of copper coins have been found, out of which some belong in the Kushana period, and some are 1700 years old. 4 pieces of 2000-years-old Janapada coins have been found as well. Finally, gold coins have also been found, containing symbols from the 6th century’s Sharabhpuriya dynasty.