On Tuesday, July 4, addressing a rally in Rajasthan’s Pratapgarh, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, made an innovative proposal to reduce the price of petrol to Rs 15 per litre. He also shared the vision of empowering farmers all over the country to become energy providers or ‘urjadaata’. Gadkari proposed that the petrol prices will be reduced if a blend of 40 percent electricity and 60 percent ethanol is taken, and he also emphasized on the advantages of utilizing this blend.
Gadkari expressed, “Our government is of the mindset that the farmers become not only ‘annadata’, but also, ‘urjadaata’. All the vehicles will now run on ethanol produced by farmers”. He also highlighted that this blend will not only reduce pollution and imports, but will also redirect the massive import expenditure of 16 lakh crore Rs towards the households of the farmers.
Nitin Gadkari also inaugurated and laid the cornerstone of 11 national highway projects worth Rs 5600 crore in Pratapgarh. 4 other national highways were also inaugurated, with a total length of 219 KM, worth Rs 3775 crore. These projects also include a 6-lane section from Kishangarh to Gulabpura on NH-48, to improve connectivity to Ajmer and Bhilwara.
Not only this, but 74 projects were also approved under the Central Roads Fund, at a cost of 2250 crore Rs.