Patna: Blaming the Bihar government for the death of BJP leader Vijay Singh allegedly in police Lathi charge during the protest march of the party in the state capital, the BJP MLAs observed Black Day and created a ruckus in the state assembly, which was adjourned till lunch within four minutes on Friday.
As the house assembled for the day, the leader of the opposition in the state assembly, Vijay Kumar Sinha, tried to speak but was not allowed, following which BJP members trooped to the well wearing black badges and carrying black towels even before the Speaker, Awadh Bihari Choudhary, took up the enlisted business for the day.
The slogan shouting BJP members waved their black towels, tossed chairs, and created noise from the well of the house.
A BJP MLA, Sanjay Singh, suddenly climbed on the reporter’s table, after which he was marshalled out of the house by the order of the speaker, who took up the question hour proceedings amid pandemonium.
Pointing towards the acts of the BJP members, the speaker said that destroying government property was illegal and strict action would be taken against such acts.
The bedlam continued for 4 minutes, after which the speaker adjourned the house until lunch.