Hyderabad: In a successful operation, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) of Telangana apprehended Revenue Inspector Palls Srinivas Reddy from the Office of Tahsildar, Konda Mallepally Mandal, Nalgonda district, while he was accepting a bribe of Rs 30,000.
On Thursday, the accused officer (AO) was caught red-handed by the ACB while demanding and receiving a bribe from the complainant, Banavath Lachu of Kesh Tanda village in the same district.
The ACB statement released on Friday revealed that the bribe was solicited in exchange for an official favour—specifically, processing the application for the mutation of the complainant’s name in the agricultural land registered under his father’s elder brother’s wife.
The tainted bribe amount was recovered from the possession of the AO, and chemical tests on the left-hand fingers that came into contact with the money yielded positive results.
The ACB found that the AO had performed his duties improperly and dishonestly to gain an undue advantage.
Consequently, Pella Srinivas Reddy was being arrested and presented before the 1st Additional Special Judge for SPE and ACB Cases Court in Nampally, Hyderabad.