On Thursday, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bajrang Dal protested against the Rajasthan Chief Minister, Ashok Gehlot, in the Ghatmika village of the Bharatpur district of the state. Both the Hindu organizations were raising their voices against Gehlot supporting cow smugglers, who had cases registered against them, and against him speaking ill against the Hindu community. The VHP and the Bajrang Dal showed black flags in protest.
Ashok Gehlot’s anti-Hindu stance was clearly seen once again on Thursday in Ghatmika when, because the VHP and Bajrang Dal members were protesting against him, under the leadership of Bajrang Dal Rajasthan State Cow Protection Chief, Rameshwar Kalawata, they were arrested by the Bharatpur police. A total of 18 Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad members were arrested by the police just because they showed their opposition to the PM, defying the ‘democratic’ ethos of the nation, where every individual has the right to express their consent or opposition freely.