Kolkata: The Calcutta High Court on Tuesday summoned the chief of Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the CBI probing the alleged recruitment scandal of the teachers in the government aided school, along with documents at 2 PM on Wednesday, court sources
Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay, who is primarily dealing with various cases pertaining to the alleged recruitment of the unqualified candidates in place of successful candidates in the teaching job of state government schools, has directed the chief of SIT of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to appear before him at 2 PM on Wednesday.
Sources said the single bench judge wanted to know from the CBI about the real figure (number) of fraudulent appointees and the number of candidates, who submitted the blank
Besides the judge also wanted to know from the CBI that how many candidates, who allegedly got 2 or 3 were given grace 52 and 53 respectively. And if the CBI submitted those figures to the School Service Commission? the court slources said.
The CBI probing the alleged irregularity appointments following a Calcutta High court directive.
The CBI and Enforcement Directorate, which also probing the money trail of the scam, have
arrested several ruling TMC politicians, including former Education minister Partha Chatterjee, and many top present and former officials, attached with the state education system.
Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay on Monday had observed the CBI’s Special Investigation Team (SIT), probing recruitment scam needed additional manpower for a speedy and judicious completion of its ongoing investigation.