On Tuesday, 2nd May, the Congress released its manifesto for the upcoming elections in the state of Karnataka. Along with making other promises to the people of the state, the party, in its manifesto, has vowed to impose a ban on the Hindu outfit, Bajrang Dal, if it is voted to power. Further, the manifesto also equates the Bajrang Dal to the banned Islamist terrorist outfit, the Popular Front of India (PFI).
The controversial manifesto reads, “The Congress party is committed to take firm and decisive action against individuals and organizations spreading hatred among communities on grounds of caste and religion. We believe that law and Constitution are sacrosanct and cannot be violated by individuals and organizations like Bajrang Dal, PFI, or others promoting enmity or hatred, whether among majority or minority communities. We will take decisive action as per law including imposing a ban on any such organizations”.
Reacting to the Congress’ promise of banning the Hindu activist group and equating it with a banned terror outfit, Vinod Bansal, National Spokesperson, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, said that the remarks made by the grand old party were completely in sync with its ‘Jihadi mindset’. Adding that the Congress has had a track record of supporting Jihadis and Islamic terrorists, Bansal further lambasted the Congress party for repeatedly humiliating the Hindus and pacifying the Islamists.
Taking to Twitter, Vinod Bansal said, “With this comparison of Bajrang Dal with PFI, enough of the Congress’ drama has been seen in Karnataka, and this manifesto will become the reason for the party’s end”.
On the other hand, reacting to this claim of the Congress, PM Modi, lashing out at the party, said that this was an attempt of the Congress to lock up people who worship Lord Hanuman. He added that while earlier the Congress locked up Lord Rama, it now wanted to lock up those who chant ‘Jai Bajrang Bali’.
After PM Modi reacting to the Congress’ controversial claim, the Congress, in turn, attacked the Prime Minister saying that he has hurt the sentiments of the devotees by equating Lord Hanuman with the Bajrang Dal, and demanded an apology from him.