Kolkata: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday began a fresh raid at various places, including Howrah’s flat of Dipak Jain, in relation to the alleged bank fraud of over Rs 6000 crore.
Jain laundered the funds after loans from the financial institutions, official sources said.
The ED has already arrested Sanjay Sureka, the industrialist and owner of Concast Steel and Power Limited, in connection with a bank fraud case in Jharkhand and elsewhere last December in the same case.
Sources said the ED sleuths, aided by the Central armed forces, fanned out early in the morning in groups, and began raiding at Howrah, and two other places in Kolkata in relation to the bank fraud case.
They said the ED has begun questioning the accused, Dipak Jain, at a complex in Howrah flat to know where the monkey was delivered after getting loans from some scheduled banks.
In December the ED during raids at Sanjay Surekha’s property had seized jewellery worth Rs 4.5 crore and several foreign-made luxury cars in relation to the alleged bank fraud.
Preliminary investigations have indicated that large sums of money were moved through shell companies of about Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud involving 16 national banks across India.
Sureka allegedly acquired loans through multiple accounts and fraudulent claims but failed to repay the funds. The case, which dates back to 2022, involves the duping of a nationalised bank in Jharkhand, as per ED sources.