Chennai: The Navaratri Kolu at Raj Bhavan, organised for the first time, was opened for public from
today for five days.
The ‘Navaratri Kolu’ was inaugurated by Tamil Nadu Governor R.N.Ravi and Lady Governor Laxmi Ravi on September 26 and received appreciations from eminent persons and many sections of societies.
On request of people, the ‘Navaratri Kolu’ at Raj Bhavan has now been opened for public including students daily from today till October five.
Interested people are requested to send their name, details like Gender, Address, Contact Number, Identity Proof and date of visit to the email, a Raj Bhavan communique said.
For the first time, a ‘Navaratri Kolu’ has been organised at Raj Bhavan and is opened now for public. The maximum strength of visitors per day will be 80 on ‘first come first view’, basis.
Four slots will be allotted. Raj Bhavan will send confirmation email with time slot. After getting confirmation only, atleast 30 minutes prior to slot, visitors should come to Gate No.2, along with the original ID Proof, submitted in the email.
Indian Citizens are required to produce their valid photo ID card and foreign nationals will be required to produce their original passport for identification at entry point. (This ID should be the same as the one used for registration on email).
Visitors may come individually or in a group of maximum five persons. Mobile phones and cameras will not be permitted inside the campus. For security reasons, Governor’s Office reserves the right to approve/regret the request to visit Raj Bhavan.