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Friday, July 26, 2024

Our enemies do not want India to rise as Bharat


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In the modern geopolitical arena, the resurgence of India under its ancient name, Bharat, represents not just a rebranding but a reclamation of its deep-rooted civilizational ethos.

India, known globally by this name since colonial times, is experiencing a resurgence of its ancient identity as Bharat. This shift is not merely semantic but represents a deeper reclamation of a civilizational ethos that has defined the subcontinent for millennia. Bharat, a term rooted in the Vedic scriptures and ancient texts, encapsulates the cultural, spiritual, and historical essence of this vast and diverse nation. The movement to re-embrace Bharat is a call to honor and revive the profound heritage that has shaped its past and continues to influence its present and future.

The name Bharat finds its origins in ancient Indian literature, most notably in texts like the Mahabharata and the Puranas. Colonialism, however, brought about a significant transformation in how the world perceived this ancient land. The British colonial rulers imposed the name “India,” a term derived from the River Indus, to streamline administration and assert their dominance. This change, while seemingly innocuous, was part of a broader strategy to dismantle and devalue the indigenous identity and knowledge systems.

Bharat is not just a geographical entity; it embodies a unique spiritual philosophy that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life. Concepts such as Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family) and Ahimsa (non-violence) reflect a worldview that values harmony, compassion, and respect for nature. These principles have global relevance, offering solutions to contemporary challenges such as environmental degradation, social inequality, and conflict.

By reclaiming its identity as Bharat, India must revive these timeless values and contribute to global peace and sustainability. The teachings of spiritual leaders like Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, and Sri Aurobindo continue to inspire movements for social justice and ethical governance both within the country and abroad.

This paradigm and anti-colonial shift is met with resistance from various quarters, both domestic and international, who perceive the rise of Bharat as a significant obstacle to their agendas. The resistance is not merely political or economic; it is fundamentally cultural and ideological.

‘Bharat’ is more than a name; it encapsulates the cultural, spiritual, and historical continuity of the Indian subcontinent. Rooted in ancient scriptures and the ethos of a millennia-old civilization, Bharat signifies a way of life that harmonizes spirituality with material progress, emphasizes community and family bonds, and upholds values of tolerance, diversity, and inclusivity. The re-emergence of Bharat is seen as a reassertion of these civilizational principles, challenging narratives that seek to portray India as a mere geographical entity without a distinct cultural identity or an infiltrated cultural identity.

Enemies of India, whether state actors or ideological adversaries have historically attempted to undermine its civilizational ethos. During the colonial period, British policies aimed to dismantle traditional structures, impose Western education systems, and delegitimize indigenous knowledge. Post-independence, the remnants of these policies continued to influence various aspects of Indian society.

The rise of Bharat signifies a cultural renaissance that threatens these long-standing efforts of cultural erasure. It involves a revival of indigenous languages, traditions, and philosophies that challenge the dominance of Western paradigms. This renaissance is seen as a threat by those who benefit from a homogenized global culture that diminishes local identities and wisdom traditions.

This balanced approach is evident in initiatives like the “Make in India” campaign, which promotes indigenous manufacturing and entrepreneurship, and the “Digital India” program, which aims to bridge the digital divide and empower rural communities. By integrating ancient wisdom with modern technology, Bharat is carving out a unique development path that prioritizes inclusivity and environmental stewardship.

The geopolitical implications of India’s resurgence as Bharat are profound. An India that draws strength from its civilizational ethos presents a formidable challenge to global powers that have historically sought to dominate the region. Such an India is more likely to assert its sovereignty, pursue independent foreign policies, and build alliances based on mutual respect rather than subservience.

International adversaries, particularly those with imperialistic or hegemonic aspirations, find a strong and culturally confident Bharat a hindrance to their strategic objectives. They prefer a fragmented, internally conflicted India that can be easily manipulated. Therefore, they support narratives and movements that emphasize divisions, whether they are religious, linguistic, or regional. And therefore the persistent propaganda that India is dangerous to minorities and people of lower castes.

Internally, the rise of Bharat faces resistance from certain ideological groups and political factions that have internalized colonial narratives or have vested interests in maintaining the status quo. These groups often receive support from external actors who fund and fuel dissent, aiming to destabilize the nation from within. The promotion of divisive ideologies, misinformation campaigns, and the fostering of internal conflicts are part of this strategy.

For India to rise as Bharat, we the people under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi must navigate these internal and external challenges with wisdom and resilience. This involves fostering a national consciousness that celebrates its civilizational heritage while embracing modernity and progress.

The resurgence of Bharat is not a nostalgic return to the past but a dynamic integration of tradition with modernity. As one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Bharat is leveraging its rich heritage to drive innovation and sustainable development. Traditional industries like handloom weaving, crafts, and Ayurveda are being revitalized alongside cutting-edge advancements in information technology, space exploration, and biotechnology.

Reclaiming the name Bharat has significant geopolitical implications. It represents a shift towards a more assertive and confident national identity on the global stage. Bharat’s foreign policy, informed by its civilizational ethos, emphasizes dialogue, cooperation, and mutual respect. As a rising global power, India seeks to build alliances based on shared values and common interests rather than hegemonic dominance and leave an indomitable mark on the global geopolitical landscape.

This approach is reflected in initiatives like the International Solar Alliance, which promotes renewable energy cooperation among developing countries, and India’s active participation in global forums addressing climate change, terrorism, and economic inequality. By positioning itself as a leader rooted in ancient wisdom yet forward-looking in its aspirations, India which is rising as Bharat is reshaping the global narrative around development and diplomacy.

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