On Thursday, September 14, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on his visit to the poll-bound state of Chhattisgarh, dedicated rail-sector projects to the state, worth Rs 6400 crores. He also laid the cornerstone of ‘critical care blocks’ of 50 beds each, to be built in 9 districts of Chhattisgarh.
PM Modi, addressing the ‘Shankhnaad Rally’ in Chhattisgarh’s Raigarh, said, ‘Chhattisgarh took another step towards development as rail projects worth Rs 6,400 crore were inaugurated in the state today.’ 1 lakh sickle cell counselling cards were also distributed by him in the state.
He added, ‘All big projects of the central government are being completed in Chhattisgarh now. A new chapter is being added to the history of rail network in the state.’
The projects include Chhattisgarh East Rail Project Phase-I, the 3rd rail line between Champa and Jamga, the 3rd rail line between Pendra Road and Anuppur, and the MGR (Merry-Go-Round) system connecting Talaipalli Coal Mine to NTPC Lara Super Thermal Power Station (STPS).
The Chhattisgarh East Rail Project Phase-I is being developed under the ambitious PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan for multi-modal connectivity and consists of a 124.8 km rail line from Kharsia to Dharamjaygarh, including a spur line to Gare-Pelma and three feeder lines connecting Chhal, Baroud, Durgapur, and other coal mines.
This rail sector development will provide a boost to the socio-economic sector in the state, by facilitating the movement of passengers and freight traffic in the region.