On Thursday, September 14, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on his visit to the poll-bound state of Madhya Pradesh, laid the cornerstone of projects worth more than Rs 50,700 crores across the state. The projects include a ‘Petrochemical Complex’ at the Bina Refinery, and 10 new industrial projects all over the state.
The Bina Refinery of the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), in which the foundation stone of the petrochemical complex has been laid, is a state-of-the-art refinery, which will be developed at a cost of about Rs 49000 crores, and will produce around 1200 KTPA of ethylene and propylene, which are important components for various sectors like textiles, packaging, and pharma, etc.
This mega-project will increase employment and will act as a catalyst for the development of downstream industries in the petroleum sector, along with decreasing the country’s import dependence.