Russian MP Pavel Antov (65 years), who was staying in a hotel in Odisha’s Raigadha, died under mysterious circumstances. Antov, who had criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin for the war against Ukraine, had come to India to enjoy vacations, he was also about to celebrate his 66th birthday. As per the police, Antov fell down the window of his room, situated on the third floor of the hotel, on Sunday, and died on the spot.
Three days prior to this, even his friend, 61-year-old Vladimir Budanov, had also lost his life in the same hotel. Budanov was found unconscious in his room on 22nd December, and liquor bottles were lying around him. The reason of his death was told to be a heart attack. According to Forbes, Antov was the Russian MP with the highest income. Billionaire Antov had established the renowned Russian meat brand, Vladimir Standard.
In Kolkata, the Consul General of Russia, Alexey Idamkin, said that as far as they knew, the police had not yet found any criminal conspiracy in both the death cases. In the meanwhile, Odisha police cast a doubt of Antov committing suicide, because he was distressed due to his friend’s death.