New Delhi: The teaser of the short film ‘Dobya’ produced under Sejal Dipak Painter’s production house, Swarna Pat Katha, was launched by the makers on Friday.
The film has also been selected to premiere at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival – – Marche du Film.
The film is based on a heartwarming story of an old man, Tatya, and his old bull Raja. Dobya revolves around how human nature prioritises development over authenticity and nature. The film gives out a message that how these days, everyone gives more importance to materialistic elements than relationships.
The film stars Shashank Shende, Siddhesh Zhadbuke, Abhimaan Unvane, and Nachiket Devasthali. The film is helmed by Ashutosh Popat Jare. At Cannes Film Festival, the unique and moving story Dobya will be a part of a three short films anthology named Naked Word.