On Tuesday, August 1, Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar, said that the attack by the Muslim rioters on the Hindus, who were part of the VHP procession, was pre-planned, and that this points towards a bigger conspiracy.
After the Meo Muslims pelted stones on the Hindu procession, set fire to their vehicles, killed three civilians and two home-guards, and injured a dozen policemen in the attack, Khattar chaired a high-level meeting to discuss the prevailing situation, wherein the violence spread from Mewat’s Nuh to Gurugram, and stated that the trouble-makers will not be spared.
The Haryana Government has said that it has ordered a probe into this matter. Till now, the police have registered 44 FIRs, and at least 70 people have been detained.
Earlier, Haryana Home Minister, Anil Vij, also said that the incident did not seem to be spontaneous. It can be convincingly said that the violence was not spontaneous because the Muslim rioters had stacked stones for pelting, and used bullets to injure the Hindus.