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AI literacy today will prepare us for a future where AI is ubiquitous: Author Aswin Chandarr


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Like the discovery of fire, AI promises to transform our civilization completely, carrying formidable potential for unparalleled advancement and tremendous destruction, making Wide- spread AI literacy a requisite.

Demystifying AI through engaging storytelling and vivid analogies, Aswin Chandarr’s new release, ‘Inevitable AI: Art of Growth with Generative Intelligence’, presents a clear, accessible exploration of its foundational principles, while grounded in technical reality. It introduces tactical frameworks to comprehend and harness the true potential.

Focusing on practical strategies, the book offers insights for decisive enterprise transformation, innovative product ideas, investment opportunities, and navigating the impending job displacement. This is a critical resource for professionals, leaders, investors, and policymakers, urging them to shape a future where AI actively enhances our reality.

Offering a critical examination of our digital ecosystem’s growing imbalance and foresight into raising children in an age of AI, this book is a compelling call to action for all who bear the weight of humanity’s tomorrow.

Aswin Chandarr is a distinguished figure at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, embodying the roles of an entrepreneur, author, and educator. With over 18 years of ground breaking work in AI and robotics, Chandarr has dedicated his career to unravelling the complexities of technology and its implications for humanity’s future.

As the visionary founder of The Global AI Transformation Institute, Chandarr has created a pivotal platform, committed to demystifying AI’s vast capabilities and potential for societal benefit. Promoting a multidimensional view of technology as a force for global progress and innovation, it offers unparalleled consulting and training that intersects business, education, and policy. With a rich academic background, including a Ph.D. and an MBA from prestigious institutions in the Netherlands and the USA, Aswin can demystify complex technical terms with astonishing simplicity.

His work extends beyond academia into the tangible world, where he has pioneered multiple robotics companies, such as Robot Care Systems and Loop Robots. These ventures focus on integrating robots into daily life to address some of society’s most pressing challenges, particularly in elderly care and healthcare.

Chandarr’s work as a futurist is not just about predicting the future; it’s about creating it. His insights into the evolving landscape of AI and robotics are profound and actionable, encouraging others to engage proactively with the future of technology.

To know more about Chandarr’s ‘Inevitable AI’, Sonakshi Datta of GoaChronicle asked the author a few questions.

AI literacy today will prepare us for a future where AI is ubiquitous: Author Aswin Chandarr -

Author Aswin Chandarr

How do you think AI holds the potential to transform our civilization completely?

Artificial Intelligence holds transformative potential for our civilization, paralleling the profound changes brought by the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial era shifted humanity from physically labour-intensive existence to a mentally driven society by amplifying human physical capacity through machinery. Ships and cranes, for example, could perform tasks that would otherwise require the strength of thousands of men, enabling feats like space travel that once seemed impossible.

Today, the AI revolution is poised to amplify human mental capacity in a similar, yet more profound manner. AI systems, with their vast memory, formidable computing power, and extensive connectivity, are already outperforming humans in specific cognitive tasks. Just as it became impractical to outrun a car, it will soon become unfeasible to outperform AI in specialized intellectual domains. This shift means that the jobs and tasks we engage in today will be drastically different in just a couple of decades, much like how our occupations today bear little resemblance to those of 150 years ago.

Furthermore, AI’s growing proficiency in understanding and generating natural human language marks a pivotal evolution. The ability to communicate complex thoughts, emotions, and ideas has historically set humans apart as the dominant species. Now, AI is beginning to bridge the gap between computational tasks and human-like communication, transitioning from mere executors of code to active partners in creation.

Imagine a world where interacting with machines is as natural as conversing with a friend. This is not a distant reality. AI, with its deep understanding of human language, is becoming an extension of our thought processes, capable of translating our abstract ideas into concrete outputs across diverse domains such as digital media, software development, and genomic research. This capability will revolutionize how we create, innovate, and communicate.

The implications of this transformation are monumental. As AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it will not only change the nature of our jobs but also redefine our interactions with technology. Machines that understand and respond to our language will open up new horizons in every field, from education and healthcare to arts and engineering, making AI an indispensable ally in our continuous quest for progress and innovation.

What do you think will be the negative ramifications of this transformation?

The transformative power of artificial intelligence is undoubtedly reshaping our world, but it is essential to recognize that with great power comes great responsibility—and potential risks. One of the most concerning impacts of AI is its capability to amplify the spread of fake news and propaganda. As AI technologies become more advanced, creating realistic-looking content—whether text, audio, or video—becomes alarmingly simple.

This ease of content generation can empower anti-social elements to craft and disseminate misinformation at an unprecedented scale. Imagine a scenario where your newsfeed is dynamically tailored to capture your attention with fabricated stories, deepening existing societal divides and further entrenching us in information bubbles. This not only erodes digital trust but also leads to increased polarization within society.

Another significant challenge is the risk of accelerated, lopsided development between affluent and less developed nations, echoing the inequities of colonial pasts. Wealthier nations have the resources to invest in and perfect these technologies, leaving poorer countries dependent on dominant, often foreign, AI corporations. Intriguingly, the data used to train many AI systems is sourced globally, yet the benefits are funnelled to those who control the technology. This dynamic could trigger a severe economic and intellectual drain from developing nations, exacerbating global inequalities at an alarming rate.

Moreover, AI’s rapid development is set to disrupt job markets more swiftly than any industrial revolution before it. Historically, society had generations to adapt to new job roles; now, we may face several such transformations within a single generation. This pace of change presents a colossal challenge for workforce adaptation and could lead to widespread societal unrest.

Finally, there is a philosophical and perhaps existential concern that mirrors the evolution of our physical capabilities with technology. Just as the physical prowess of humans has diminished with the rise of machines that ease physical burdens, there’s a valid concern that our mental faculties might also decline as machines take over more cognitive tasks. This trend raises critical questions about the future of human intellect in an AI-dominated world. Will we see a diminishment in our mental stamina, mirroring our reduced physical strength?

What will this mean for the future of human ingenuity and problem-solving?

Do you think AI has become a necessity to use for greenhorn entrepreneurs? How does AI assist in providing the required fillip to new businesses?

Absolutely, AI has not only become a necessity for budding entrepreneurs, but it also serves as a game-changer in levelling the entrepreneurial playing field. In today’s fast-paced market, AI empowers new businesses by handling a multitude of secondary tasks, allowing entrepreneurs to focus primarily on core value creation.

This is particularly transformative for small teams, enabling them to operate with the efficiency and capability of much larger companies. AI assists in several critical business functions such as content creation, marketing, financial management, market analysis, and customer service. These tasks, traditionally resource-intensive and time-consuming, can now be accelerated significantly. For example, an AI-powered tool can generate market reports, manage customer inquiries, or even handle bookkeeping with remarkable speed and accuracy. This efficiency allows entrepreneurs to concentrate on refining their products and services, essentially enhancing their core business offerings without getting bogged down by operational complexities.

Moreover, for greenhorn entrepreneurs, understanding AI’s capabilities is not just advantageous—it’s essential. Gaining a solid grasp of what AI can do and learning how to leverage its potential effectively can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving in the competitive business landscape. AI tools provide a level of support previously unavailable, from automating mundane tasks to generating insightful data-driven strategies. This support is crucial for transforming innovative ideas into successful business outcomes.

In essence, AI does not just support new businesses; it amplifies their ability to innovate and compete. By integrating AI, startups can achieve more with less, pushing the boundaries of what small teams can accomplish and enabling them to tackle real-world problems with unprecedented focus and efficiency. For any entrepreneur stepping into today’s business world, harnessing the power of AI is not just a strategic move—it’s a vital one.

How do you think we can get a deeper knowledge of, and tap into the true potential of AI?

Gaining a deeper understanding of AI and unlocking its true potential goes far beyond mastering algorithms and computing jargon. True AI literacy involves developing a comprehensive perspective of this transformative technology, understanding its essence, and appreciating its broader implications. Its looking outside the titbits of AI news circulating on social media every day.

Firstly, it’s crucial to recognize that AI isn’t just a collection of tools for creating impressive applications like realistic images, writing articles in polished text or deepfakes. Instead, it represents a fundamental shift in how we interact with technology across all aspects of life. To truly leverage AI, we must foster broader societal dialogues that extend beyond the immediate wow-factor of new AI capabilities. These conversations should occur not just online or in tech labs but across all societal domains, including physical spaces where community and policy decisions are made.

Education plays a pivotal role in this process. The principles of AI, including its potential and ethical considerations, should be integrated into educational curricula from a young age. This education should not be confined to those specializing in technical fields; it needs to be part of learning for students across all disciplines. This holistic approach ensures that as these students become professionals, they carry with them a foundational understanding of AI, regardless of their career path.

My latest book, ‘Inevitable AI’ aims to lay down this foundational knowledge. It provides readers with a broad view of AI, from dissecting the concept of intelligence to exploring the essence and expansive potential of AI technologies. This comprehensive guide is designed to equip readers with the necessary knowledge to dive deeper into specialized areas, whether they’re interested in technical development, product innovation, investment, safety, policy, or regulation.

Lastly, when a diverse group of AI-literate individuals from various backgrounds comes together, the possibilities are endless. By connecting minds with complementary skills and insights, we can develop a multitude of AI applications that not only push technological boundaries but also ensure balanced and sustained benefits for society. This collective expertise and creativity are key to realizing the true potential of AI and steering its development in a direction that enhances our global community.

The flipside of the growing use of AI is job displacement; is there a middle-way out wherein AI and human employees work together, rather than one overpowering the other?

The rapid adoption of AI in various industries indeed raises concerns about job displacement, but it also presents an opportunity for a synergistic relationship between AI and human employees. In my book, I discuss at length how businesses, driven by the imperative to remain competitive and profitable, might choose to replace certain jobs with AI technologies. However, this doesn’t spell the end for human roles; instead, it highlights the need for a strategic rethinking of job functions and worker adaptability.

To navigate this transition, it is essential for employees, particularly in the white-collar sector, to understand the fundamental differences in capabilities between humans and machines. Machines are unparalleled in performing repetitive, precise tasks, while humans excel in roles that require complex decision-making, emotional intelligence, and creative thinking. As AI begins to encroach upon more complex tasks, especially those involving language processing, employees should look to pivot to domains where human expertise remains irreplaceable.

A practical approach I propose involves differentiating between ‘Transformative’ and ‘Frontier’ tasks within organizations. Transformative tasks, such as data entry, routine customer inquiries, and basic content generation, are well-suited for AI due to their repetitive nature. In contrast, Frontier tasks, which involve solving novel problems, innovating new products, and designing complex systems, still require the unique creative and strategic input of human minds.

Companies can achieve greater success and growth by strategically deploying AI and humans in roles that best suit their respective strengths. This complementary use of AI and human talent not only mitigates the risk of job displacement but also enhances organizational efficiency and innovation. The framework I outline in ‘Inevitable AI’, which I call the 3M model, simplifies this strategy into four quadrants, each representing a specific interaction of human and machine capabilities. By understanding and applying this model, businesses can effectively integrate AI into their operations without diminishing the value of their human workforce.

Ultimately, the future of work is not about AI replacing humans but about both working in tandem to unlock unprecedented levels of productivity and innovation. This collaborative approach is the key to realizing the true potential of AI in the workplace.

How important is the knowledge of AI for people outside the world of professions governed by digitalization and modern-day technology?

Understanding artificial intelligence is becoming as crucial as understanding the internet or computers once was—it is essential for everyone, regardless of their professional domain. As AI technology continues to weave itself into the fabric of our daily lives, the benefits of being AI-literate will stretch far beyond the confines of traditional tech fields. In the past, early adopters of emerging technologies like computers and the internet gained significant advantages.

Similarly, AI literacy today offers a strategic edge, preparing individuals for a future where AI is ubiquitous. This knowledge is not just about gaining a competitive advantage in the workplace—it’s about understanding the forces that are shaping our world.

AI’s influence will permeate all aspects of our lives, impacting everything from how we work to how we manage our health and interact with our environment.

This makes AI literacy critical, not only for those in digital or tech-centric professions but for everyone. The ability to navigate a future laden with information overload, distinguish between genuine content and misinformation, and make informed decisions in a highly automated world will be indispensable.

Furthermore, AI literacy is vital for fostering an informed society that can thoughtfully contribute to discussions on AI ethics, privacy, and the societal impacts of technology. As AI continues to evolve, its potential for both transformative benefits and significant risks grows. By becoming AI-literate, individuals across all sectors—be they educators, healthcare providers, artists, or public servants—can engage in shaping policies and practices that ensure AI technologies are developed and deployed responsibly.

Lastly, the narrative of AI should not be dictated only by those who build and deploy these technologies.

It is crucial for everyone to be equipped with knowledge about AI, so they can actively participate in directing its impact. This collective literacy will ensure that as AI evolves, it does so under the guidance of a broad, well-informed base of citizens, helping to mitigate the risks of unchecked development.

In sum, AI literacy is non-negotiable for anyone who wishes to remain relevant and informed in the fast-evolving professional landscape. It is our responsibility to ensure that future generations look back at this era and see a society that was equipped, responsible, and proactive in shaping a balanced and equitable AI-infused world.

Sonakshi Datta
Sonakshi Datta
Journalist who wants to cover the truth which others look the other way from.

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