Lamp Post
Happiness: a flawed Western Perspective or an Agenda
So, the World Happiness Report is out and Indians are not happy people at all.A position of 126 brings so much happiness to the West. The happiness report created...
Guest's View
Will this be the LAST WAR in Bharat vs India?
The 2024 Elections is the most consequential election for Bharat and the World. This election result will decide...
Lamp Post
Indian films evolution as a hidden strategy in narrative building
Lal Singh Chaddha opens up the wounds again which were far from healed aided by numerous releases...
Lamp Post
Balochistan issue
Even as Baloch freedom fighters attacked Pakistan military outposts in January 2022, the alleged Prime Minister of Pakistan...
Lamp Post
Not-so-great Crooked Britain
England is a laundromat for dirty money, thanks to an army of financial and professional service firmsCrooks from...
China or USA – Hobson’s choice
In September 2021, the Chinese Ambassador to London was banned from the British Parliament since China had sanctioned some British MPs over their criticism...
Witches’ brew in Afghanistan
Afghanistan’s problem is that everyone wants it to be someone else’s problem!In the 1980s, Pakistan was a happy sidekick in the US war against...
India-Tibet-World The saga of convenient oblivion
In this piece on Tibet, I shall not go into its hoary past, nor recapitulate the events that led to its occupation by Communist...
China US relations, The strange marriage is over
China thinks it owns Russia, and sees it as a warehouse of raw materials for China’s industrial machine, and a fount of state-of-the-art military...
When science and ethics are undermined by avarice and ambition
Thailand and Indonesia's decisions to switch to other vaccines "could potentially puncture the image of success, bursting the bubble of effectiveness of Chinese vaccines,...
Witches’ brew in Afghanistan
Afghanistan is in a mess, it has become a witches brew, a fearsome mixture of untamed sex and brutality I begin with a quote...