Keeping pace with the Government of India’s Vision of ‘Digital India’, Union Bank of India, in association with the Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL), launched the facility of e-stamping by its Executive Director, Nidhu Saxena in a Digital Launch Ceremony at Union Bank of India, Govt Business Department premises in Delhi. Nidhu Saxena, on the occasion, said that this facility will benefit the individuals/ corporates who want to pay the stamp duty in a secured and accessible environment of the bank.
E-stamping is a computer-based application of SHCIL, and a secured way of paying non-judicial stamp duty to the government. Stamp papers of various denominations can be issued as applicable in the stamp act of the respective state. Facility of e-stamping is now available at selected Union Bank of India branches in 14 states and soon, it will be expanded to 21 states at 628 branches of Union Bank of India. Once more states opt for e-stamping, branches facility may be expanded to those states also, stated Nidhu Saxena.
Other dignitaries present at the launch event were Vivek Khurana, Head Govt Business, SHCIL and R K Jaglan, General Manager, Govt Business Department, Union Bank of India and Officials from Regional and Zonal Offices of Union Bank of India through VC.