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Parents intrigued by the wonders of yoga and how it reduces stress during exams


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All of us at some point in our lives have experienced something called ‘exam fever’. As soon as the new year begins and the festivities take a sharp turn towards the dreaded moth of March, which is usually when the annual exams take place, we notice students experiencing stress and anxiety.

A sudden gushing wave of under-confidence and performance pressure emerges. Stress is not good for us at all and this is common knowledge, but experiencing stress in the form of exam fever at such a tender age is even worse. Cleansing the mind, getting some form of physical activity or breath work is what is truly missing from the hectic routines of children preparing for exams. Yoga is one very effective and also a very under-explored method when it comes to reducing stress in students. People of all age groups benefit from yoga and children are no exception to this, yoga plays an important role in the wellness and development of children.

Tackling stress is surely one of the concerns, but just to be able to increase memory retention levels, focus and concentration are also things that need to be talked about. We have seen an increase in the number of parents being intrigued by the wonders of yoga, this in turn has put a certain kind of pressure on schools and education institutions to make this a part of their co-curricular schedules.

We now see schools organizing Yoga Day events, having certified yoga trainers train students and teachers. In general there is a better sense of understanding when it comes to this ancient practice.

Our children are the future of our nation and as vital as it is for them to perform well in their exams, receive a balanced education and soar high, it is also integral for them to be healthy mentally and physically, as a wise man once said ‘health is wealth’.

Yoga incorporates breathing exercises, meditation and stretches that stimulate our mind and body and act as factors that can help reduce stress, increase relaxation and also help students rejuvenate and remove mental as well as emotional blockages.

It is proven that yoga can help you clear your mind, during stressful situation and that is precisely what one needs.

Something as simple as a short walk in the outdoors or a couple of stretches in the comfort of one’s home are enough to calm one down and help them come back more focused and energized than before.

Yoga can help students with improved and better sleep quality, higher motivation levels, brighter moods, better focus and concentration leading to a better academic performance and most importantly a better, healthier lifestyle.

Here are a few asanas (postures) in yoga that can help students cope with stressful exam encounters if practiced regularly.

Padmasana is also known as the Lotus pose and is a seated cross-legged position, this is a meditative pose and is best practiced with hands in gyan mudra resting on top of the knees. This asan helps in increasing alertness and awareness. Gyan Mudra helps in getting rid of stress and is known to promote calmness in the brain.

Padhahstasana is a standing forward folding position. This not only is a good stretch for the hamstrings and the back muscles, but this also promotes blood circulation into the brain.

Paschimottanasana is a seated forward fold, and this asan helps in reducing anxiety, simultaneously providing the body a deep stretch.

Vrikshasana commonly known as the tree pose in the English language is associated with concentration and memory enhancement.

Everything that one does during stressful times such as the exam time in some way or the other effects the final outcome. Alongside, practicing and imbibing parts of this ancient gem called Yoga that our ancestors have left with us,  having a routine is also of paramount importance, one which includes yoga, a healthy meal and taking breaks from time to time.

Studying hard and preparing well is not always what is needed, at times it is much more than that. These tips and tricks will go a long way during the exam fever season!


DISCLAIMER: This article reflects author’s view point. Goa Chronicle may or may not subscribe to views of the author.

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