Panjim: Rebel group born out of RSS in Goa, Goa Suraksha Manch (GSM) has demanded that the Goa Forward Party (GFP) leader and minister in the BJP-led government, Vijai Sardesai apologises for his statement stating that Opinion Poll is bigger achievement than the Liberation of Goa.
Firm in the demand of an apology, Subash Velingkar, Chief, GSM said, “Such statements made by ministers like Sardesai are done to diminish the importance of Goa’s Liberation Day. The Liberation Day and Opinion Poll cannot be compared as they a different in their importance. We condemn such statements and demand an apology.”
“If however, the TCP minister fails to apologise, then we will great him with black flags at every public function he attends,” warned Velingkar.
Velingkar further added that Sardesai’s statement on Jack Sequeira being the Father of the Opinion Poll is far from the truth as many people contributed to the Opinion Poll, if at all credit is to be given it should be to Purushottam Kesava Kakodkar.