Fear not the coronavirus my friend
We will win this war in the end
As humans we have the ability to adapt and survive
To clinically defeat the coronavirus we must strive
We can save ourself and our family
Follow all social distancing norms rigorously
Wear a mask without fail and wash your hands regularly
High hygiene quotient will beat the coronavirus definitely
It is not the first time world is facing a pandemic
There is no need for the people to panic
We need to trust each other and do our bit
Don’t allow the virus to lead us to an abysmal pit
As humans let’s be there for one another
Share what we can with our sister and brother
Come together as one world family at this daunting moment
Be One, Think One should be our global sentiment

Kianna Rodrigues
(Author is Class IX student at the Vidya Vikas Academy, Goa. She is also Student Editor for GoaChronicle. She is ardent follower of socio-politico issues and global trends)